Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cardioline AR2100adv Interpretive ECG Machine

The Cardioline AR2100adv and the AR2100 view combine multiple levels of performance in a multichannel ECG recording.   The CARDIOLINE ar2100 is an interpretive ECG which prints on Full Page Size, 8.5"x11" paper, has an ECG Preview Screen (optional) that can display all 12 ECG Leads, a full QWERTY sealed membrane keyboard for quick and easy patient data entry, and a NIMH battery for portability. Prints full-page size, single-page printouts, 8.5" X 11" or 210mm wide, Letter Size, Roll or Z-fold paper.  QWERTY full alphanumeric keypad for quick and easy patient data entry. Adult & Pediatric ECG interpretation by the HES ECG Analysis Program, developed by the Hanover School of Medicine, Hanover, Germany, and conforms with American College of Cardiology conventions.  The following ECG parameters are included: Heart Rate, P, QT, PR, QTc, QRS, QTr, Rhythm Graph, ECG Noise Level, R loss or reduction, QT dispersion, QRS-T evaluation, Atrial Diagnosis, Repolarization disorders and  Atrial blocks.

Features : 
  • Automatic, manual and pre-programmed recording mode
  • Multi-channel print format on A4 paper: 3, 6x1, 6x2, "Full Page" (3x4+R) and (3x4+3R), 12 channels
  • LCD Display
  • Extended alphanumeric keyboard
  • Paper in rolls and packs
  • Dual power supply: main and rechargeable internal batteries
  • Memory of the last ECG recording and printing of additional copies
  • Time and date indication
Available Accessories : 
  • Patient Cable & Lead Set
  • AR2100view Full LCD Display Upgrade
  • 2 Year Extended Warranty


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