Bio Protech Inc. produces ECG electrodes called 'Telectrodes', which are used for various ECG tests. It uses an Ag/AgCl sensing element and Hydro-gel for adhesion. These are excellent components for sensitive monitoring. Hydro-gel is main advantage is one of minimizing movement artifacts by increasing the bond between the skin and the sensing element. Telectrodes are applicable to most ECH fields. An Ag/AgCl sensing element has the best sensitivities and the solid adhesive hydro-gel has very low impedance. Most importantly, the adhesive gel stocks both the skin of the patient and to the sensing element, so that movement artifacts can be significantly lowered. In addition, dirty residue from the foam will not be left on the skin of patient after use.
Specification :
- Order Code : T716C
- Shape : Ovel
- Size (mm) : 43 x 45
- Material : PE Foam
- Patient : General
- Use : Radiolucent
- Period : 2days
- Packing : 1000/Box
Bio ProTech Pro-Tab Electrode ECG Tab Electrodes are self-adhesive, non-sterile, single use disposable electrodes for diagnostic resting ECG. ECG Tab electrodes are composed of a PET tape, Ag/AgCl ink and a conductive gel. These are configured as 10 electrodes applied to a siliconized transparent PET card, ten cards per pouch.
Specification :
- Order Code : PT2334
- Shape : Poise
- Size (mm) : 23 x 34
- Material : PET,Ag/AgCl
- Patient : General
- Use ; Diagnostic
- Period : 2days
- Packing ; 1000/Box
Bio Protech Inc. produces ECG electrodes called 'Telectrodes', which are used for various ECG tests. It uses an Ag or AgCl sensing element and Hydro-gel for adhesion. These are excellent components for sensitive monitoring. Hydro-gel’s main advantage is one of minimizing movement artifacts by increasing the bond between the skin and the sensing element. Telectrodes are applicable to most ECH fields. An Ag or AgCl sensing element has the best sensitivities and the solid adhesive hydro-gel has very low impedance. Most importantly, the adhesive gel stocks both the skin of the patient and to the sensing element, so that movement artifacts can be significantly lowered. In addition, dirty residue from the foam will not be left on the patient's skin after use.
Specification :
- order code : T916
- Shape : Ovel
- Size(mm) : 43 x 45
- Material : Clear Tape
- Patient : General
- Use : Monitoring
- Period : 2days
- Packing : 1000/Box